Disneyland the place where dreams are made. I would recommend anyone to visit at least once in their lifetime, I have not been anywhere quite like it. A place that takes you back to your childhood where there is not a care in the world.
'All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them'
Walt Disney
These photographs have been taken in a lighting studio. For a number of projects I used the studio in order to capture images using different lighting techniques.
I have travelled to a number of places around the world varying from Europe, America and Africa. I have been lucky enough to have had the chance to capture images from a number of different countries and would like to share them with you. I am very passionate about travel photography and will continue to travel the world in order to capture more beautiful shots.
Click on the photograph to see my travel photographs!
These photographs were captured for a street photography project and some I caught for my own interest. I find shots much more natural when people are unaware they are being taken.
A project I have carried out involved going to take photographs at Tropical World which is a very popular garden tourist attraction.
I have worked at a couple of wedding events in past and have had positive feedback from everyone involved. I aim to capture the best photographs I can at very high standard. If I look at my photos and do not think they are good enough I will retake them until I am happy with them.
I am incredibly passionate about fashion photography and in the future I would like to photograph famous fashion events. As well as capturing the images I also created the look by chosing the outfits make-up.
I thoroughly enjoy taking portrait photographs for people whether they are for a serious purpose or not. As you can see from this album I take photos for both adults and children so if there are any photographs you need taking, im your woman!
These are photographs I recently captured when out and about. They give off a rather old school effect and I have had positive feedback on all. If you are interested in the vintage, old school look I would be able to take photographs for you using this effect.